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EOG Resources (Jun'2017 - Present)

Optimizing well operations to save cost and time for the engineers using well data


  • Formation Identification

    • Used Random Forest to train a model to identify the formations 

    • Used 'gamma' data collected from sensors during drilling

    • Flattened the data for every inch to build data points for modelling


  • Text Comment Mining

    • Used NLTK for text processing

    • Used TF-IDF technique to identify important terms being discussed in the comments

    • Identified terms were grouped into bigger categories, which get displayed on the app


  • License Plate Detection

    • Initiated the project to use License plate detection for vehicle tracking

    • Used Google Vision API for extracting text off the images

    • Sorted mismanaged invoices while saving $10-20K costs/well


  • OCR Text Detection

    • Digitized millions of old paper contracts, invoices using GCP


  • Estimated Time to Drill (ETD)
    • Designed a feature similar to google maps ETA for drilling operation (tripping) 
    • The estimated time provided app users to better manage their time 



  • Well Failure Warning
    • Used neural networks to classify patterns in rod pump cards
    • An early warning saved upto $70K/well with just $100 worth of precaution


  • Well Recommendation guide
    • Use attributes of existing wells to recommend reference wells for the new well
    • The algorithm provided certain adjustable levers for the end user to suit their needs
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